完善简历 我要招聘 登录/注册


布于:2022-04-30 09:36:52










































再后来我上了集装箱船工作,我喜欢上了船上的健身房,早餐后做哑铃40  晚餐后做开合跳130,蹲起60,俯卧撑100个。












1. Could you introduce yourself ? My name is Lilei. I am 40 years old. I hold a chief engineer certificate. I can use a computer well. I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married. I have a lovely daughter. 我的名字叫李磊。我40岁了。我有老轨证书。我可以熟练地使用电脑。我想我的英语水平足以完成工作。我结婚了(单身)。我有一个可爱的女儿。 2.Where did you graduate from? I graduated from Qingdao Ocean University.我毕业于某大学 3.3.How long have you worked on board? I have worked on board over ten years.我在船上工作十多年了。  4.Which company have you worked for? I have worked for SISCO.  5.What certificate (license) do you hold now? I have xxx certificate. 我持有某某证书。 6.How long do you have the certificate of C/E? 您持有轮机长证书多久了?I hold the xx certificate for 3 years. 我持有轮机长证书有3年了。  7. What kinds of ship have you worked on? I have worked on many ships, like bulk carrier, container ship and so on.我在许多船上工作过,像散货船,集装箱船,等等。 8.Which classification society is your ship registered with? 您的船是在那个船级社注册的?DNV, OR NK, BV, LR, CCS…..  9. Where was your last vessel’s trading area? Which ports have you called? 你上一条船的航行区域?都到过那个港口? Ocean-going, world widely, globally,fixed route. 远洋,全世界,全球,固定航线。 10.Have you served UMS?(UMS=Unmanned Machinery Space) Yes, I have served UMS. 时的,我作过无人机舱。  11.(How long) have you served as C/E, 2/E……? 您做轮机长有多长了? Yes, I have served as C/E several years 是的,我做轮机长有若干年了  12.What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on? Oh, several models, for instance, main engine: SUZER RND68, 6700KW; YANMAR 6ML-HTS270KW…….. 13. Could you tell me the power of (M/E) generator/engine which you have ever worked on? 您能告诉我所做过的主机(发电柴油机)的功率吗? Ok, 6UEC52LS6500KW; (YANMAR 6ML-HTS270KW), on board ship M/V xxx. 14. What type of engine did you have on your last ship? 您上一次做的船是什么型号的柴油机? The vessel I worked on last time is a bulk carrier with SUZER RND68 engine.  15.Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments? 您做过的船发生过重大机损吗? No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent. We kept the vessel in safe operation. If I were employed by your company. I were also serve my duty with diligence. 我工作是非常谨慎小心的,并且我的同事也是非常勤奋的。我们保持船舶安全操作。如果你们公司雇佣我,我同样会勤奋地工作的。 16.Did you have planned maintenance system(PMS) for your last ship? 您上次做的船有计划维护体系吗? Yes, I observed instructions from the shipowner and the system was controlled and managed by computers. 是的,我遵守船东的指示并且系统是由电脑控制和管理的。 17.The ISM Code required preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your maintenance schedules? 安全管理规则要求做到预防性维护。你如何作出预防性维护计划? According to the ISM Code, the preventive maintenance plan is made based on the ship’s “Planned Maintenance System” and the machinery running hours records. This plan should be made on an annual basis (or a five-year basis). Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic occasional maintenance work. 根据ISM规则,预防维护计划是基于船舶的“PMS”和机械运转时间记录来制定的。这个计划应该是在年度或五年基础上来制定的。通常月度维护计划是基于年度预防维护计划和非经常性发生的工作来制定的。 18.What is the purpose of the ISM Code? What is DPA in ISM Code? ISM 规则的目的是什么?ISM规则中DPA是什么意思? The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ship’s of ships and for pollution prevention.DPA stands for Designated person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on behalf of the shipowner. ISM 规则的目的是提供针对船舶安全管理和操作以及防污染的一个国际标准。DPA:岸上的指定人员。他的职责是代表船东负责防污染,安全操作方面的事务。19.What does DOC imply?DOC 表示什么? DOC stands for “Document of Compliance”. The marine shipping company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS. Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship. DOC 表示符合文件。船舶公司应该建立和维护程序去控制所有与SMS有关的文件和数据。每条船都应该携带与本船相关的所有文件。  20.What is SMC?SMC 表示什么?SMC means Safety management Certificate. It should be issued to a ship by the administration or an authorized organization. SMC是指安全管理证书.他是由船旗国指定的机构和组织对船舶签署的证书。  21.What is the purpose of ISM Audit? What is the Critical Equipment and System? ISM审核的目的是什么?系统中的关键设备指什么? Audit is the systematic and independent verification to determine whether ISM activities and results conform to planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are effectively preformed to achieve the objectives of the company and relevant maritime laws.These are those where sudden loss of functional capability or where failure to respond when activated manually or automatically may create high-risk situations or major accidents. For example, main engine, steering gear and so on. 审核是系统地并且不受约束地去检验是否ISM活动和结果符合计划的安排,是否这些安排是预先有效地达到公司和海事法规的目标。指的是突然失去性能或者当手动或自动地作用时会造成高的危险情形或大的事故。 22.What are the critical Operations and conditions? 什么是关键操作和临界状态? Critical Operations and Conditions are those which have a significant risk of causing major injuries or illness to people, or damage to ship, cargo, other property and/or the environment. 关键操作和临界状态是指能够引起对人员所造成重大伤害,造成船舶损坏,货物或其它的财产和环境的损坏的重大危险的操作。 23. What does Non-Conformity mean? What is Major Non-Conformity? 什么叫不符合?什么是重大不符合? Non-Conformity means an observed situation where the objective evidence indicates the Non-Fulfillment of a specified requirement. Major Non-Conformity is an identifiable deviation which poses a serious threat to personnel or ship safety or serious risk to environment. Which requires immediate correction the action. Lack of effective and systematic implementation of the ISM Code is also a Major Non-Conformity. 不符合指的是观测到的情形而有客观的证据显示此情形没有执行规定的要求。重大不符合是指一个确定的违背,其对人员或船舶的安全/环境造成了严重的威胁。此种违背要求立即去改正。对ISM规则缺乏有效的和系统的执行同样也是一个重大不符合。  24.What is a near accident? Please give an example to show your understanding. 什么叫险情?请举例说明。 The near accident is a kind of potential danger. If it is worse, it will become an accident. For example, two ships are in close quarters situation. 险情是一种潜在的危险。如果恶化的话,他会变成一个事故。例如,两条船非常靠近地航行。  25.What should be paid attention to in the overhaul of cylinder? 在气缸大修过程中应该注意什么? Every operation must be complied with the preparation measures regulated in the safety meeting or in the SMS. All safety measures must be observed, such as persons should not stand under the engine room crane. The operator, who operated the E/R crane, must operate carefully and smoothly. 每一个操作者都要遵守安全会议或SMS所要求的预防措施。切实遵守各项安全措施,像人员不能站立在机舱的天车下。操作天车的人员必须小心,平稳的操作。  26.Before entering an enclosed space such as ballast tank, what action will you take? 在进入封闭空间前,(如压载水舱)应作什么准备工作? Prepare tools. Check all items in the checklist, such as test of content of oxygen, test of explosion point, exploded-proof lamp, good ventilation. Communication means should be available between operators inside and watchman outside and so on. Operators should wear protective clothing a breathing apparatus, a helmet, working boots, lifeline. Also a mark plate “Dangerous Operation in Progress” should be established at the entrance. 准备工具。核对检查单并检查所有项目,如测量氧气含量,检验爆炸点,防爆灯和通风。进入里面的人和外面值守的人要建立可靠的通讯。操作者应该穿防护衣和携带呼吸器,戴安全帽,穿工作鞋,携带安全绳。同样在进入口要放一个告示牌:“在进行危险操作”。 27.Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety ofthe workers in an enclosed space. 请说出进入封闭舱室需要的安全氧气含量 More than 18% and no more than 23% of oxygen in an enclosed space will be ok for the safety of the workers. 大于18%,小于23%的氧气含量是安全的。 28.Have you ever seen SOPEP? What is SOPEP?(Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan) 您知道SOPEP吗?什么是SOPEP?(船舶油污应急计划) Yes, of course. SOPEP stands for Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. 是的,当然。SOPEP代表船舶油污应急计划。 29.What information you could receive form SOPEP 从SOPEP中你能得到什么信息? The SOPEP should contain the following content;Procedures to be followed by the Master or other crew in case of oilpollution.Pollution reporting system and the authority or persons to becontacted in the event of pollution including the telephone numbersetc.Detailed description of actions to be taken immediately by personson board to reduce or control the discharge of oil after the incident.List of oil spill response equipment to be maintained and prepared onboard.The essence of the Plan is to avoid anypossible oil leakage and oil pollution.Simply speaking, SOPEP should include such things as emergencycontacts ,theequipment used in detailing with oil pollution, the muster list for oilpollution, the report procedure when the accident happens etc.SOPEP is compulsory on board most of the ships according to the ISMcode.IOPP is the certificate for the vessel that is qualified for the requirements issued by the class on oil pollution prevention. SOPEP应该包括但不限于以下内容;一旦发生油污染船长和其它船员要遵守的程序。在溢油事件过程中,污染报告系统和要联系的机构或人员包括电话等等。污染事件发生后,船上人员要立即采取行动去减少或控制油排放的详细描述。船上要备有要求的防污染设备随时可用,计划的本质就是去避免任何可能的漏油和溢油。 30.Could you list international conventions concerning marine shipping? 您能列出有关海运的国际公约吗? There are many conventions. For example: SOLARS, STCW95,MARPOL73/78…..  31.If you found an oil spill in the sea, how would you react? 如果您在海上发现跑油,将如何作出反应? Immediately report to the nearest competent port authority and takepositive action to control the pollution and make an entry in thelogbook.  32.What is PSC inspection? Have you had inspection on board the ship? If youhave, what deficiency has been checked out? 什么是PSC检查?您在船上经历过吗?如曾经历过,发现了什么缺陷? PSC inspection stands for Port State Control Inspection. I have the experience of PSC. But no deficiency has been found.  33.Do you keep record while crew works? 您对船员的工作做记录吗? Yes, of course. According to SMS, every event should be recorded as evidence. The general rule is no record, no behaviors. 是的,当然。根据SMS,没一个事件都应该做记录以作为证据。 34.What is the main duty of the C/E? 轮机长的主要工作是什么? The Chief Engineer is ultimately responsible for the safe and efficient running of all mechanical and electric machinery shipboard equipment. He is responsible for….  35.How often should you test lifeboat engine? Who takes charge of the operation? Who takes of maintenance and repair work? 您多长时间试验一次救生艇机?谁负责操纵艇机?谁负责维护和修理艇机? One week interval. SMS requires that every crew on board is capable of operating it. The fourth Engineer must take charge of maintenance and repair work.  36. Who take charge of repairing deck equipment if the deck equipment is out of order? 甲板机械失灵时由谁来负责修理? The Fourth Engineer takes charge of that work and co-operate by electric engineer. 三管轮负责这项工作,电机员也协助配合。  37.What should be paid attention to when bunkering fuel oil? 在加油时应注意什么? Firstly, we must pay much attention not to spill the oil; secondly, the quantity to the oil must correspond to the contract; thirdly the quality must comply with the required one; fourthly, we must take samples during bunkering. 第一,我们要严防跑油;第二,加油的数量要与合同相符;第三,质量要符合要求;最后,加油过程中我们要连续地取油样。 38.How do you pump out bilge water in the engine room? 您如何将机仓的污水泵出弦外? Pump bilge water into bilge tank. Then pump bilge water into oily water separator. Ask the Captain or deck officers on duty to pump out at appropriate water. The proportion should not be beyond 15 PPM. The operation should be recorded in “ Oil water record book”. 首先将污水泵入污水柜。然后泵入油水分离器。与值班驾驶员联系确认在规定的水域排放并不超过15PPM。操作要记入油水记录本。 39.When will an engineer in charge of watch call the Chief Engineer? 值班轮机员应在何时叫轮机长? When engine damage or malfunction occurs which may be such as to endanger the safe operation of the ship; when any malfunction occurs which it is believed, may cause damage or break down of propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery or monitoring and governing systems; and in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measure to be taken. 当出现危及船舶安全航行的情况,比如机器损坏或出现故障时;当你相信出现的故障会引起动力机械损坏时,辅助机械或检测装置和控制系统;在任何紧急情况下当你拿不准该做什么决定时。 40.What should be prepared before disassembly of cylinder for main engine/auxiliary engine? 在拆卸主机和副机气缸之前应作什么准备工作? I shall familiarize myself with the operational manual, such as know with certainly the disassembly procedures, cut off oil and water, the operational procedure, test by oil and water after assembly; get knowledge of assembly crevice and limited crevice; count on necessary spares; check all necessary tools before working; be clear of duties for personal engagement in disassembly of cylinder; safety measures and safety working training are also vital. 我首先要熟悉操作手册,当然要了解拆装步骤;比如切断油和水,还有操作程序,组装后油和水的试验;了解装配间隙和极限间隙;必要备件的准备;拆装前要检查所有必须的工具;对拆卸气缸的相关人员职责要明确;安全措施和安全工作训练也同样是重要的。  41.How do you manage sewage? 如何管理生活污水? Drop in sterilized medicine regularly. Keep the blower in constant working. Check the quality of the sample of the constant to compare with the standards. 应该定期投药。保持鼓风机连续工作。检查取样的质量并与标准的相比较。 42. Could you tell the main reason for seeing the black smoke exhausted from the diesel engine? 请您说出柴油机冒黑烟的原因? The possible reasons are as follows; discharge valve damage or over load operation of diesel engine, or leakage of nozzle, or the incomplete combustion in the cylinder because not enough fresh air was pumped. 可能:排气阀损坏或柴油机超负荷运转,或者油嘴漏泄,或由于进气量不足导致燃烧不完全,等。 43. Have you ever performed the auxiliary engine to combust heavy oil? What should be borne in mind when transferring oil from heavy oil to light oil? 您做过烧重油的副机吗?在重油换轻油过程中应注意什么? I have worked on the auxiliary engine which combusts a combination of A and C oil. When transferring oil from heavy oil to light oil, the changing of temperature should not be rapid. 1*C to 2*C per minute is best. Meanwhile the viscosity change should be constantly observed. The temperature of the oil temperature to be heated varies in quality of the fuel oil. In general, 180cst needs to be heated to 95-105*C; 380cst needs to be heated to 130-135*C. the viscosity is under the control of approximately 2 anglers. 我做过烧A类和C类油的副机。在重油换轻油过程中,温度的变化不要太快。最好每分钟1到2度。同时应该持续地观测粘度的变化因为不同品质的燃油所须加热的温度是不同的。通常,180粘度等级燃油要加热到95-105度;380粘度等级的燃油须加热到130-135度。  44.Could you tell the main reason for scavenge fire? 请您说出柴油机扫气箱着火的原因? Ignition of carbon/oil deposits by;1.Prolonged blow-by.2. Slow combustion in cylinder, owing to incorrect atomization, or misaligned fuel jets.3. Blow-back through the scavenge air ports, owing to an incorrectly adjusted exhaust cam disc or large resistance in the exhaust system 4. The cylinder liner wear out of order or piston ring broken. 45.What does the turbine super-charger surge? 增压器喘振的原因是什么? There are basically five main reasons. High backpressure of the exhaust manifold and low flowing quantity;failure of turbine blade, nozzle and diffuser; narrowed scavenging of air passage or scavenge fire; 主要有五个原因。 46. Could you tell the main reason for crankcase explosion? 请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸的原因? Oil mist and hot spot; abnormal friction between sliding surfaces causing a hot spot. Hot spot can cause the oil falling on them to evaporate. When oil vapour condenses again, countless minute particle are formed, which are suspended in the air. A milky white mist develops, which is able to feed and propagate a flame if ignition occurs. The ignition can be caused by the same hot spot which caused the oil mist to form.
船员帮 2024-01-10
(17621991825) 远洋航线  招聘:85000吨散货环球三副5月底高证水头76000吨散货远洋回国大电近期7万吨木屑船澳洲回国二管5月25日435000吨散货远洋高证水手6月初水手长水手大厨电机员535000吨散货环球铜匠月底月初657000吨散货远洋船长6月下旬三副/三管二管大管水头/机头水手/机工新证水手实习生东南亚 中日韩航线 招聘:16000吨散货中日韩俄罗斯代三副近期17000吨散货东南亚机工长月底月初3万2风电铺管船泰国作业轮机长近期大管413500吨散货中日韩台湾船长5月底58000吨散货中日韩代大管月底月初水手613500吨散货中日韩俄罗斯二管月底月初711000吨二层柜中日韩东南亚二副6月份代三副85000吨散货中日韩二管6月上旬953000吨散货东南亚老轨5月25日108000吨散货中日韩船长6月份轮机长1113000吨散货中日韩船长月底月初121032箱位东南亚船长6月6日二副
船员帮 2024-05-19
海员是什么!其实简单一点,海员就是三明治的夹心!培训机构学校沾点油水,代理中介沾点油水!还时不时捏一下!如果饿急了就咬一口!吃饱了,不高兴了就吐口唾沫丢掉!时不时还踩几脚!海员这个职业越来越像一个小丑行业!有些人看因为疫情原因,中国海员涨了点工资,就马上喊中国船员已经超过欧美海员工资了!请问欧美海员工资多少?我在美国一次加油和他们聊天,一个机工水手工资月工资8000多美金!而且人家还是沿海,合同期相当短!8000美金在美国收入 是普通工人的至少三倍工资水平!而我国陆地工人工资已经四五千了!按比例水手机工至少要到一万五甚至两万另外他们的相对消费多少?一个月工资2000美金,就拿买鞋,买耐克鞋买40双,而我国2000元买几双?最多3双!就算两万元能买几双?这里我不想说中国海员工资高低,其实大家都明白!船员兄弟觉得合适就去做这一行,觉得不合适就不去做,没有必要拿出一些菲律宾等国家船员来比中国海员,请问菲律宾国家一个职务船员回国就能买一套很好的房子,一个普通船员就能请得起佣人你咋不说!一个佣人一月100、200美金就抢着去做!我国一个保姆多少?已经一千美金了,少说也要五百美金,还很难请到好点的!我国经济在飞速发展,消费更是高的吓人,不要运用拿别人的劣势和我们的优势做对比!来忽悠兄弟们!作者:海员
船员帮 2023-02-17
联系微信:13166192591     我公司是海事局委托的专业服务机构,具有海事局办证资质,可以为广大船员朋友们快速办理以下证件:1、海员证2、适任证书3、服务簿,非值班适任证书  4、海事局密码开通、找回5、霍乱、黄热证书(跑外贸航线必备)6、四小证更新,人不来,直接出成绩      如果海员朋友们有任何的证书问题,都可以给我们公司的微信,qq,e船员公众号留言咨询,我们会竭诚为广大船员朋友们服务。      联系方式:qq:2361122047微信号:13166192591
船员帮 2021-08-15
船员帮 2023-08-17
江西九江海员学校开班计划 5.29
江西四小证6月3号开班,20号左右考试1、6月9日MLC船舶大厨。2、6月14日机工、水手、3、Z01、Z02  、Z04更新,每周三开班。4、内河基安满5人开班。
船员帮 2024-05-29
1. What kind of work belongs to hot work? When are you not allowed to do hot work?答: Hot work refers to all the work involving high temperature, open flames, or sparks that can cause ignition of combustible gases, vapor, or liquid in vicinity where such is done. This kind of work includes electric and gas welding and cutting or burning, grinding,metal chipping, sandblasting/grit blasting, work with sparks caused by falling or hitting, work with electric sparks, other work with high temperature etc. Under the following circumstances, hot work is forbidden: (1) Anywhere on the ship during cargo operation, when handling flammable cargoes unless the ship has got permission from the terminal and port authority。(2) Anywhere and any time during the bunkering (3) In enclosed paces or where atmosphere is suspicious (4) Where painting work is underway at same time (5) Where unsafe factors are suspected 。2. How do you carry out gas testing and how do you test the explosion?答: I use the gas tester to detect the gas composite content. In the vicinity of the places to be tested, the flammable gas content should not more than the limited figure, and no combustive materials are available to avoid any fire.3. Pleas explain the meaning of “SOPEP”?答:What contents should be included in the SOPEP? SOPEP means Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan and it should contain the following: (1) Procedures to be followed by the Master or other persons in charge of the ship to report an oil pollution incident. (2) Authority or person to be contacted in the event of oil pollution. (3) Detailed description of actions to be taken immediately by persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil following incident. (4) List of oil spill response equipment and materials to be maintained on board. (Removers, sprayer, oil absorbent, saw dust, san, d, waste rags, scoop, shovels, buckets, bamboo brooms, portable pump, protective clothing, and portable containers). Simple speaking, SOPEP should such things as the emergency contacts (telephone and other means of communication, address, etc.), the equipment used in dealing with oil pollution, the muster list in the oil pollution, and the report procedure when the accident happens, ect.  4. What is the ISM Code? What is the SMS? What contents are there in the ISM code? 答:ISM means International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention. The ISM code includes 16 chapters falling into two parts: implementation of Part One, and verification and certification of Part Two. The 16 chapters are: general, safety and environment protection policy, company responsibilities and authority, designated person(s), master’s responsibilities and authority, resources and personnel, development of plans for shipboard operation, emergency preparedness, reports and analysis of non-conformity, accidents and hazardous occurrences, maintenance of the ship and equipment, documentation, company verification, review and evaluation, certification and verifications and control, certification and periodical verification, verification, interim certification, and forms of certificates. The last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM Code. SMS means safety management system, and this system is mad based on the 16 elements of ISM Code, which is a compulsory part SOLAS 74. The shipowner or manager cannot get Document of Compliance (DOC) and SMC without audited Safety Management (SMC) by Class designated by the flag registry country administration.  5. What do Observation, Non-conformity and Major non-conformity in the ISM Code mean respectively?答:Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence. Non-conformity means and observed situation where objective evidence indicates the nonfulfillment of a specified requirement. Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action and includes the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of this Code.  6. What ranks should not be allowed shore leave at the same time?答: In view of the jobs on board, the following position and ranks can not be allowed to have shore leave at the same time: the Master and the Chief Officer; the Chief Engineer and First Engineer; the Chief Engineer and Electrician; the Bosun and Pumpman (in tankers); the Chief Cook and Second Cook (or mess boy); the Chief Officer and Pumpman (in tankers). Any crew who wants shore leave must check with the department head for permission and return to the vessel on time.  7. What is the maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rate on board?答:According to the STCW 95, the BAC shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested, but the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) requires the BAC to be no more than 0.04%. Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch.  8. When you are keeping the watch, what should you be careful about?答:In order to ensure the normal operation of the engines, I should (1) Keep closed watch on the fuel oil and lube oil conditions (2) Be alert on any possible problems arising from abnormal temperature, leakage, or some other problems (3) Be careful about those abnormal noises (4) Make a quick judgment if hearing abnormal noises from machines, and report them to the Chief Engineer or even the master immediately if the noises are very serious and I myself cannot deal with it (5) Obey the rules of the company and the inspections from Chief Engineer, Master and some warnings from the deck department.  9. What should a Muster List include? What kind of Muster Lists did you have on the last vessel?答:The Muster List should include the following contents (1) Details of emergency alarm signal (2) How ship-abandon will be given (3) Substitutes for the key personnel who may become disabled on board (4) Specify the boat to which each person belongs and duties to be performed by abandon ship situation (5) The specific group to which person belongs and general duties during various emergencies (6) Any additional or specific duties (7) Specific assembly point of each group The Muster List must be ready before the ship’s sailing We had the following separate Muster Lists on board the last vessel: General emergency, fire fighting, fire in the engine room, emergency steering, abandon-ship, man overboard, oil pollution, and so on.  10. What preparations should you make before entry into port?答:The preparations include the following. (1) Stand by the main engine (including test engine ahead/astern by remote control and emergency local control). (2) Start generator and check power supply and compressed air (3) Test emergency generator and emergency steering gear (4) Check all the cargo gears in accordance with the requirements from the bridge (5) Report fuel oil and fresh water quantity, drain out water from fuel oil tanks/air bottles and test alarm system and monitor system (6) Change fuel oil to diesel oil if needed, reduce the speed of main engine to harbor speed (7) Test the telegraph, correct clocks between bridge and engine room (8) Make some other preparations according to “prepare for arrival port check list” According to USCG regulations, the main engine test must be carried out within 12 hours before arrival Emergency generator and emergency steering gear test must be carried out within 48 hours before arrival.
船员帮 2024-09-05
海员是全球贸易最重要的联通者和贡献者,这个巨大的群体值得整个社会去了解、去关注、去认可。今天,走近一位工作在远洋散货船的海员——孟二副,他自2010年从事海员这一职业至今已经有12年之久。在这12年里,他每年都要漂泊在海上8-10个月之久。不过目前他在家休假,在享受难得的亲子时光之余,谈起了他的一些职业感悟。 海员的高工资,背后是艰辛的付出和汗水孟二副表示,船员的生活在船上的时间非常长,尤其是目前的疫情状态下,难得下船又必须要遵守各个国家的防疫规定,隔离之后才能回到家中,最长的一次隔离竟然能达到了三个月之久,所以这就大大的减少了与家人团聚的时间。这次下船换班是去年7月的时候,那时候国内的疫情还算平稳,经过了4次核酸检测和两次的边防上船查验后,顺利地从加拿大落地东莞,并没有进行隔离就启程回到了南京。但是由于南京当地的政策,还是隔离了14天才回到了自己的家中,“这已经算是非常正常的换班流程了。孟二副说,“绿码的要求非常多,但是我所在的船公司是国企,非常负责,因此顺利的从加拿大换班回国”。二副的工作偏向于操作性,而且目前船上操作的电子化程度高,我们只需要耐心以及细心做到及时更新即可。虽然孟二副说的云淡风轻的,把自己的工作一笔带过,但是我们知道二副的职责其实非常广泛:二副要记录海图、航海图书、参考资料、仪器、设备的技术资料,说明书,航海用表册、各种 记录簿、航海通告等各种文档;在船长、大副的领导下担任航行和停泊值班等等。“虽然这个工作非常辛苦,但是这份可观的收入一直支撑着我,一份船员的责任一直驱使着我,向前奋斗与努力”。孟二副笑笑说,“可现实中,人们往往觉得海员的工资太高了,他们不会想到我们的工作环境是多么艰苦,我们的生命也随时有危险,这一份孤独与辛酸也只有海员能感同身受。”家族传承的荣耀,家庭责任的再出发在船上的生活很苦,但是既然选择了这个行业,那么我们就要认清这个行业的特点,在生活的磨练中不断的放平自己的心态。孟二副说,自己从事船员这个行业,一部分是因为家庭的原因,家里的亲属之前有过船员的经历,自己也是对远洋的生活有一份向往,而且本身自己所学也是航海相关专业,所以便义无反顾的坚持到了现在。而对于工作与生活方面,最大的改变就是互联网的普及。以前的船上没有信号没有网络,一上船,长则几个月都没有消息,有的船员内心情绪无法排解,会造成孤独、阴郁的不良状态。现在船员已可以在船上用网络,虽然不能经常回家,但可以与家人保持联系。除此之外,娱乐设施更是非常齐全,保持他们良好的心情和状态。而工作方面,可以随时通过互联网与公司联络,处理紧急问题,随时召开远程电话会议,效果很好。因此,虽然远离家乡,与亲人朋友聚少离多,凭着可观的收入和乐趣一直坚持到了现在,“而且,这次休假我还考了大副的证书,等到5月份证书下来之后,我就可以以大副的身份再一次登船啦!凭着之前宝贵的二副经验,晋升为大副的我工资也会大幅度的提升的!”孟二副骄傲的说。上船的生活像蹲监狱?并没有!很多人都以为,上船之后的生活跟蹲监狱一样,非常无聊,其实不然。现在的船跟以前可不一样,首先现在的船上都有网络,跟家人聊聊天或者打游戏都没有问题,船上也有娱乐设施,像健身房、棋牌室、K歌房都有,或者大家一起打个电脑游戏,打篮球、乒乓球也是可以的,另外也可以体验不一样的“海钓”。除了这些娱乐以外,大海的景色也是很独特的,很多场景也是一般人感受不到的。“比如,有一次船航行到秘鲁附近的时候,由于潮汐等原因,我们感受到船像在爬楼梯的感觉,非常奇妙,但是由于当时的手机像素不够高,没有能留存下来,非常遗憾。”“我还看到了同时三个龙卷风,但是只拍到了两个,也是非常震撼!”喜欢夕阳吗?喜欢冰雪吗?这是唯独有海员才能欣赏到的夕阳,这是只有海员才能体验到的风霜。还有海员最开心的时候,是没有疫情的时候我们可以在船靠港的时候,下船游玩,可以品尝各地的美食,也可以带给家人一些异域风情的小礼物。为什么选择航海事业?好多毕业生的父母会问这样的问题,同样也包括一些即将毕业的青年人。航海是一个高尚的职业,航海事业可以锤炼出一名驾驶员、一名机修员、一名优秀的船长,培养出业界精英,但是很多人并不了解这个行业,航海事业赋予了人们太多的责任,远载着数以百万元的货物,责任重大,这一点可能是其他行业的人想加入航海事业的原因之一,也正是海上面临的挑战,塑造了真正的海员。孟二副说,只要你肯努力与吃苦,并获得家庭的支持,每个行业都有每个行业的特性,但是都有其优势与弊端,只要你放平心态,海员是一份非常值得投入青春的工作!通过孟二副平淡的表述,我们听出了海员的一份乐观与自信,这对于“后浪”来说,也是一个非常好的榜样。
船员帮 2022-05-07
据外媒的报道称,当地时间2024年1月1日,一艘在图瓦卢注册的13,000载重吨的油轮“ Hana I”号在赤道几内亚比奥科岛以南45海里处被不明人员登上,船长和轮机长被绑架。据相关的数据显示,油轮“Hana I”号在从阿比让驶往马拉博东南部的杜阿拉途中被不明人员登船,船上两名船员被绑架。据当地媒体报道称,这两名被绑架的船员为油轮“Hana I ”号的船长及轮机长。船员帮pro,赞14据观察,该船以 11 海里的速度航行,然后迅速漂流,随后该船似乎持续漂流了 80 分钟,然后才重新开始航行。在绑架事件发生时,该船的干舷高度估计为 4.7米。”安全顾问 Ambrey 在最新的报告中指出。船员招聘 ,应聘上船!据报道,该船在北京时间1月2日3时20分起航速逐渐下降至略高于0节,4时50分左右开始恢复航行。目前该船已抵达喀麦隆杜阿拉。据悉,这次袭击事件是在几内亚湾海盗袭击事件相对平静的六个月之后再次发生的。据媒体的报道称,这起绑架事件尚未得到内亚湾海盗情报机构MDAT-GoG的证实。在过去的一年里,多艘船舶在几内亚湾遭到了海盗的袭击。这些事件再次提醒人们,海盗活动仍然是一个全球性的威胁,需要国际社会的共同努力来打击。
船员帮 2024-01-07
远洋航线 招聘:     11800TEU集装箱中东回国全套班子8月上旬24万多吨散货船长8月中下旬376000吨散货 远洋航线 老轨月底船期二管机头电机员水手/机工木匠大厨42300箱位集装箱,圣彼得堡航线二副月初老轨518w吨散货远洋回国船长8月初三副水手68.2w吨散货远洋散货大副8月中旬三管水手/机工745000吨散货 中东回东南亚老轨8月10日阿曼上机头85w吨散货远洋回国三管月初国内接船 实习水手935000散货远洋回国二管月底船厂上船船员开班,报培训点这里! 东南亚 中日韩航线 招聘:122000吨散货东南亚回国新证二管8月上旬26800吨散货中日韩台湾二副月初船期32300箱位圣彼得堡回国船长月底月初二副413500吨散货东南亚三副8月上旬516000吨散货中日韩俄罗斯水手8月中机头61100箱位集装箱东南亚大副定人就上三管二水高水72500箱位集装箱中东到圣彼得堡船长8月初水头8700箱位集装箱日本--韩国机工定人就上
船员帮 2024-07-24
8月12日晚间,兴通海运股份有限公司(SH 603209,以下简称“兴通股份”)发布公告称,结合公司战略发展规划,为进一步推进公司经营业务发展,经公司总经理提名并经第二届董事会提名委员会第三次会议资格审核通过,公司董事会同意聘任严旭晓先生为公司副总经理。严旭晓简历严旭晓,男,1976 年 2 月出生,大专学历,船舶技术中级职称。1998 年 11月至 2011 年 3 月,历任新加坡海洋油轮有限公司实习生、三副、二副、大副、船长;2011 年 4 月至 2020 年 1 月,历任泉州市泉港兴通船务有限公司海务主管、海务经理;2020 年 1 月至 2020 年 9 月,任兴通海运股份有限公司海务经理;2020 年 9 月至今,任兴通海运股份有限公司总船长兼总经理助理。
船员帮 2024-08-23
船员帮 2023-11-07
近日,中国船舶集团上海船舶研究设计院为塞浦路斯船东Schoeller Holdings开发设计、中船黄埔文冲船舶有限公司建造的32000吨多用途重吊船OCTOPUS 32 (HL700)的首制船“AAL LIMASSOL”轮正式签字交付。该船交付较合同期提前45天。该船采用上船院设计研发的低波浪增阻S-BOW直艏线型及下属子企业SDARI-ECO的高效螺旋桨和扇形导管,并进行多工况优化,以获得最优的综合油耗表现;首次实船应用二甲板兼做延伸甲板、超宽纯箱型货舱以及超大液压舱盖等多个创新性设计;排放满足Tier III和EEDI Phase3要求,并预留了甲醇双燃料配置;海上航行试验表明,该船航速、油耗等各项技术指标优秀,设备运行平稳。值得一提的是,该船配备3台350吨克令吊,联吊能力达到700吨,已于先前顺利完成联吊试验。船东对该系列船的设计十分满意,将其命名为“Super B-Class”,并在4月份的命名仪式上追加签约了2艘同型船订单,将该系列新船数量增加到了8艘。据了解,“AAL LIMASSOL”轮是第三代专业重吊船,是黄埔文冲目前建造的最大吨位的重吊船。该船型船长179.9米,型宽30米,设计吃水15.5米,配备了3台350吨重型起重机,联吊可达700吨,甲板空间和容量更加优化,符合绿色航运建造理念,具有更优的性价比。黄埔文冲与Schoeller Holdings集团有深厚的合作情谊。自2008年起,公司先后为Schoeller Holdings集团批量打造了1700TEU、1900TEU、2700TEU、2800TEU集装箱船和32000DWT重吊船等多个船型,共计近30艘船舶,在合作过程里,不断丰富公司的产品谱系。
船员帮 2024-05-31
船员帮 2024-09-11

船员帮 帮船员

