船舶靠港期间大副 二副 三副和水手的职责船舶靠港的时候会很繁忙,除了装卸货还要面临PSC检查,伙食物料的补充,加装燃油,打排压载水,有时候还会有岸修,所以提前明确职责,做好准备工作,会让我们在靠港期间忙而不乱得心应手。这里我们就装卸货期间需要特别关注的内容做几点总结供船员兄弟参考:1.DOCUMENT 靠港前准备的文件和图书资料的准备2.CARGO OPERATION 装卸货期间的注意事项3.OPEN AND CLOSE HATCH COVER 开关货舱4.STEVEDORE DAMAGE 码头工人装卸货暴力操作对船货造成的损害5.EM’CY PROCEDURE 在港期间下雨的应急操作6.DUTY OFFICER HAND OVER 驾驶员交接班7.RESPOSIBILITY OF DUTY OFFICER 驾驶员的责任8.PORT LOG BOOK 记录的内容9.FLAG国旗和船尾旗(船籍国)以及特殊工作需要悬挂的旗帜1.船舶靠港之前需要提前准备好的文件和图书资料的准备(包括但不限于以下几个)GANGWAY LOG BOOKPORT LOG BOOKVISITOR CARDTIDE TABLESHIP SHORE SAFETY CHECK LISTPORT CHECK LISTNIGHT ORDER BOOKCHIEF OFFICER STANDING ORDERLOADING/DISCHARGING PLANSTOWAGE PLANDEADFREIGHT FORMSOUNDING TABLESHIP PARTICULARCREW LISTHYDROSTATIC TABLELOADING MANUAL BOOK百吨吃水差比尺DRAFT MARKS TABLE密度计和取水测密度的小桶2. Cargo Operations 装卸货 If the cargo operation plan is not being followed, or if the shore personnel suggest changes to the plan the Chief Officer is to be informed at once,如果岸方不能遵守装卸货计划,或者想要改变装卸货计划 应该第一时间通知大副this is particularly important during loading operations as there are times when the stresses imposed on the ship hull during loading and de-ballasting operations could become critical.这一点在装货港尤为重要 需要相应调整排水方案以保证船舶应力和剪力在安全范围The Loading Computer will be always available for you to USE if required during cargo operations.在装卸货期间 LOADING COMPUTER 驾驶员可以使用来根据实际情况来计算船舶应力剪力(前提是驾驶员必须熟悉配载仪,不然有任何疑问立刻报告大副)Duty Officer to be familiar with the Main Ballast system, and the Ballast stripping system, as well as with the location and operation of all pumps and valves relating to those systems应该提前对驾驶员进行压载水系统的培训,让大家熟悉操作流程以及各个阀门的开关During loading operation the Fore, Aft, and Amidships drafts should be checked and recorded at the end of each pour.每一步装卸完成驾驶员都应该对比吃水是否与计划相符 In addition the tonnage loaded should be obtained from the stevedore, and the cargo computer updated, the ballast figures should also be updated so that any large differences from the loading plan will show up.每一步装卸货数量和压载水的数量都要及时在配载仪跟进Ensure that the ship is kept upright during cargo OPERATIONS; this should be done using cargo, not ballast. This is particularly important during loading operations.尽量保持船舶正浮 用货进行调整而不用压载水进行调整On completion of cargo operations top of hatch coaming and drainage pipes to be thoroughly cleaned before closing the hatch.舱口围和排水孔在关舱前必须清理 Duty Officer must ensure that after changing the pour, ship loader is at correct hatch according to loading plan. 每完成一步,驾驶员必须保证装货机装货的下一个舱和计划一致3.Opening/closing hatches.开关舱Duty Officer must always be present to check and supervise the opening and closing of the hatch covers.值班驾驶员在开关仓时候 需要在现场监控Hatch cover securing pins MUST NEVER BE REMOVED if crew members are still working on or near hatch covers / track ways.如果还有船员在舱盖上或者舱盖附近工作 安全插销不允许拔掉Hatch cover securing pins MUST NEVER BE REMOVED until any sweeping is completed. The pins should be removed by the crew member(s) doing the sweeping.清理舱口围的船员离开之前不允许拔掉安全插销 一般安全插销由清理舱口围的船员亲自拔掉 Minimum 3 persons are required to open or close hatch cover :至少三个人参与开舱关舱,(1 Person to drive the covers (BOSUN)一人负责操纵开关 一般水手长负责,1 Person to oversee and supervise (Duty Officer),一人负责安全监控 一般值班驾驶员1 Person to check all is clear at the other side of the hatch to the controls andreport positively before the covers are moved (A/B)一人负责检查舱盖清爽并且在舱盖移动之前确认并且报告)The three crew members should stand in positions where they have a good view of all of the hatch covers and the coaming and can see if there are any problems, obstructions and see the wheels, hydraulics etc.三名负责开关舱的船员必须站在可以统观开关舱全局的位置(关注重点 液压管路 舱盖轨道 液压马达)If you consider that you need more crew members – do not hesitate to call them.如果感觉需要更多的人帮忙才能安全开关舱 应第一时间安排随时叫人4.Stevedore Damage. During your rounds of the deck, keep a careful watch for stevedore damage, if any is found it should be pointed out to the stevedore foreman as soon as possible.在安全巡班过程中必须认真仔细,一旦发现任何损坏立即通知工头The Duty Officer should make out a stevedore damage report form and ask the foreman to sign it,如果出现损坏值班驾驶员应准备一份事实报告并且督促工头确认并且签字.If the damage is serious, e.g. a punctured ballast tank or damage to a hatch cover which would threaten it’s W/T integrity, then call the Chief Officer immediately.如果出现严重损坏 (例如货舱 压载舱破损 舱盖 损坏)应立刻通知大副5.EMCY PROCEDURE 在港期间下雨的应急操作 为了防止污染我们在靠港之前都会塞上甲板塞,但是在靠泊期间难免会出现下雨的情况,一旦雨下的太大再加上船舶吃水差,雨水都会集中到船尾位置,有漫过甲板流到海里的风险,大部分港口可以接受干净的雨水自然流到海里,但是有些港口明确规定,任何船上的水不能流到海里明确标注雨水也不行,不然会面临巨额罚款。虽然感觉这种规定比较不合理,但是我们也得遵守。这种情况下我们要提前做好准备,每条船结构不一样,有的船有专门收集雨水的柜子 直接打开就好,大部分船是没有这个柜子,我们的做法是 连接一个空气泵 提前把尾尖舱道门盖子打开 把水抽到尾尖舱。